Does ‘Indrid Cold’ still exist? Was a recent ‘Mothman’ encounter in Hartwick, New York connected to the incidents in Point Pleasant & Parkersburg, WV in 1966-67?
A friend and associate investigator, Gabriel L. from NYC (who is also a haunting experiencer and intuitive), forwarded the following report on 4/10/2021:
I had been contacted by Jessica who lives in Hartwick in upstate New York.
She had given me more details of the 2 encounters once I had arrived. She went into further detail thereby expanding our initial conversations.
During the first 2 encounters she had gotten calls from someone with a terse clipped tone of voice calling themselves “Indrid Cold” (The calls came up on call-waiting during her conversation with the investigator. The caller ID simply stated ‘Indrid Cold,’ no further information). I felt a harsh shudder through my body. She was told that “she didn’t see a thing”. She said his voice had the same inflection of someone speaking through gritted teeth or a forced smiled.
Everyone who is into the many aspects of the anomalous knows the name (Woodrow L Derenberger’s encounters with ‘Indrid Cold’ in November 1967 – Part I – Part II – Part III). But she didn’t. She couldn’t. She doesn’t believe in anything Fortean. For her to utter that name was serious. It was serious enough that I decided to go up to Hartwick, NY and do some investigating of my own.
I didn’t know what I could do to help but I hoped prayer, psychic contact, and force of will would give her some respite. All of those have helped in the past. I might as well see if they will work again.
She picked me up from the Oneonta, NY bus terminal on Tuesday April 6th. Oneonta is an unnerving place. Hardly anyone was out and about. Not that many pedestrians. Not much automotive traffic.
As soon as we left Oneonta to head to Hartwick, NY, the sense of dread and loneliness began to creep in. Despite the clear skies and lush green hills, I felt very uneasy.
My report consists of two parts:
Part 1 – her encounters with something is sounds horrifyingly similar to the Mothman.
Part 2 – my visit to her home from Tuesday April 6th to Friday April 9th.
Part 1. The Encounters
She claims to have had 2 sightings of a “dark, flying man.”
The first sighting was several meters over her house. But despite being “hazy” like an out of focus picture, she was able to tell it was humanoid in shape. It had wings but not on its back. Rather they extended out of its torso. She judged the wingspan to be 6 feet each limb (12 ft+ total span).
Equally disturbing was the fact there was no head. It was headless, legged torso with wing-like appendages. She described it as hovering or floating. The wings flapped very infrequently. She estimated several seconds passed between each flap.
The second encounter happened soon. The same day. it seemed much more terrifying. She had heard stomping footsteps and dragging sounds after each footfall. Her cats had spit and and hissed while staring at an empty spot in the living room. Her dog whined and let out short terse barks as it looked towards the spot as it walked in a circle.
She ran outside and saw the same “hazy and out of focus” black humanoid with no head and wings for arms on its roof, hunched over. She estimated the height to be around 7 or 8 feet. (Gabriel L: the fact it was opaque black and “out of focus” gave me the distinct impression that this thing wasn’t an alien or cryptid but something extradimensional).
She yelled at it and at that point it stopped shuffling. It turned its torso around without using its legs. She saw a pair of bright red eyes dead center of its torso.
She began to feel an intense pain like a migraine behind her eyes. She began to feel “detached” and “beside” herself as if she was watching herself from behind. “My head was filled with like static from a dead TV channel. White noise.” The fear was so intense, she claimed to have urinated herself.
She remained transfixed by the gaze until her dog barked at her from inside. She ran inside, gathered her cats and dog and hid in a bedroom closet for the remainder of the day and night. Well into Sunday morning. (During which time she contacted Gabriel L.)
Part 2. Gabriel’s Investigations
Tuesday April 6th – 1pm local time:
Upon arrival to her home in Hartwick I was struck by how bucolic everything was. But despite how everything was so beautiful there was a heaviness in the air which felt to increase as we got closer to her house.
I noticed that to the house’s left was a graveyard.
She helped me bring my bags in and the heaviness I felt outside was…well, heavier indoors. “The animals avoided the living room,” she said.
I took out a pair of dowsing rods and stood at the center of the living room. For a few seconds I felt nothing. But just I turned to say so to Jessica, the rods spun to my right. I felt something was in my personal space and was right in my face. The heaviness was overwhelming.
I caught Jessica’s expression. She whimpered softly. “It’s here.” I concentrated and I felt a presence. It was sentient but very ‘alien’ feeling. Nothing like a ghost, demon or poltergeist. I felt as if it was scrutinizing me. Studying me. For some reason I was reminded of Edward Gorey’s ‘Insect God’ poem. I then had the impression of something pushing itself into my mind. I then knew what Jessica meant by TV static. White noise. I let my temper slowly build up and pushed back against this invasive presence.
I had the impression I shoved something away from me but hard. I felt the heaviness lessen in the living room. I plodded over to an easy chair and sat down. I felt exhausted. But something wasn’t right. Jessica was staring at me. I asked what was wrong. “You just froze and stared to your right for such a long time,” she mumbled. I looked at my watch and was terrified.
My watch read 2:15pm. I was standing for an hour. I experienced lost time.
2 – 4pm local time:
I kept hearing footfalls from above me. Not on the 2nd floor. Not on the roof but on the ceiling.
Feelings of being stared at, scrutinized, and glared at resumed. The dowsing rods felt heavier than unusual. At one point something tried to yank them out of my hands. Things kept clicking. We heard movement from the kitchen but were too scared to investigate.
5:30 – 6pm local time:
All weirdness had finally stopped. We then decided to try and relax. Around 5:30pm I became aware of the sensation of being stared at again. I left the bedroom we were in and made my way downstairs.
Every step of the way saw me seeing something out of the corner of my eye as if they right behind me to the side.
Something was following me. Of this, I am not mistaken.
3:00am local time:
Nothing happened for the rest of the night until 3am.
The pungent smell of something chemical gradually faded in. It was stronger in the living room.
As I walked around the living room the smell seemed to follow me.
We then heard the shuffling scraping sound on the roof. I went outside with a powerful flashlight. Nothing was seen but I felt something glaring at me. At that moment a call came from 212-689-1212. I let it ring until it stopped. No voicemail. I called the number. It was disconnected. Google and phone tracing sites provided no help to the dead number.
Wednesday April 7th:
The IV in the bedroom kept turning on and waking us up. She got up to unplug the TV. Nothing happened for the rest of the day. Nothing was recorded on my cameras or digital recorder much to my annoyance.
Thursday April 8th:
I had horrific dreams all throughout out the night of a giant eye staring me from the windows. The sound heard was equally disconcerting. It was static-filled with a metallic voice echoing.
I found the pets hiding in the hallway closet deeply entrenched in the corner. I wept at how their eyes were filled with fear.
Friday April 9th – 7:45pm local time:
Jessica had the odd sensations of something with coarse fur touching her face and body in bed.
8:56pm local time:
The sharp chemical smell came back.
9:20pm local time:
We heard rattling sounds in the cupboards. Dog was whining.
11:30pm local time:
We both experienced the white noise sensation again. This time in her bed. Jessica whimpered and hid under the covers. I heard the floorboards creak as something invisible was walking around our bed.
Saturday April 9th – 4:40am local time:
A heavy pressure on the bed woke us up with a start. We saw a pair of indentations in the mattress. When I got out of bed I had the impression of something leaving the room.
Nothing further occurred before I left for home.
NOTE: this is atypical activity associated with the Mothman phenomenon though, during the incidents in Point Pleasant, WV in 1966-67, there were a number of other unexplained incidents during the period. These included UFO sightings, increased spirit energy and MIB encounters. As well, 55 miles north near Parkersburg, WV, Woodrow Derenberger had his 2 encounters with a saucer-shaped UFO and the occupant ‘Indrid Cold.’ Is Indrid Cold still among us? Was the call received by Jessica government related or something completely different? Intriguing case that we will continue to investigate. Lon
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