This is a very exciting time for Chocolatey! Over the past 5 years, there have been some amazing points in Chocolatey’s history. Now we are less than 10 days from another historical moment for Chocolatey – when licensed editions become available for purchase! This is the moment when we are able to offer features that enable businesses to better manage software through Chocolatey and offer non-free features to our community! This also marks when the community (and organizations) take the next step to ensure the longevity of Chocolatey for the next 10-20 years. I started this process with a dream and a Kickstarter and now it’s finally coming to fruition!


Here is a list of the licensed features that will be coming in May. I really think you are going to like what we’ve been cooking up:

Malware protection / Virus scanning – Automatic protection from software flagged by multiple virus scanners – Read more…
No more 404s – Alternate permanent download location for Professional customers. Read more…
Integration with existing Antivirus – Great for businesses that don’t want to reach out to VirusTotal.
(Business Only) Create packages from software files/installers – Do you keep all the applications you install for your business internally somewhere? Chocolatey can automatically create packages for all the software your organization uses in under 5 minutes! – Shown as a preview in a March webinar (fast forward to 36:45)
Install Directory Switch – You no longer need to worry about the underlying directives to send to native installers to install software into special locations. You can simply pass one directory switch to Chocolatey and it will handle this for you.
Support and prioritization of bugs and features for customers.

Sold! But How Do I Buy?

While we are still getting the front end systems setup and ensuring all of the backend systems are in place and working properly, we are limiting availability to the first 500 professional licenses and 20 businesses (Note: we do not expect any issues with our payment processor). Because we are limiting availability, you must register for the Go Live Event at if you are interested.

It bears repeating, the links for purchase will only be sent to folks who have registered for the event, so secure your spot now!

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