pCloud vs Google Drive

Difference Between pCloud vs Google Drive

pCloud vs Google Drive is nothing but the cloud storage services which was used by the user to store the data. pCloud is the cloud which creates the private virtual drive on our machine which we are using to access the data or files from the platform of cloud storage. We can say Google drive is the online storage system on which we can store our data and backup files, this cloud is also used for business projects. Google Drive uses the 128-bit AES encryption algorithm, while pCloud uses a 256-bit AES encryption algorithm.

Head to Head Comparison Between pCloud vs Google Drive (Infographics)

Below are the top 20 differences between pCloud vs Google Drive:


Key Difference Between pCloud vs Google Drive

Let us discuss some of the major key differences between pCloud vs Google Drive:

Data security is most important while using any cloud platform. Google Drive uses the 128-bit AES at rest encryption algorithm. Whereas pCloud uses the 256-bit AES at rest encryption algorithm.
On Google drive, we can store the files or data for free up to 15 GB. Using pCloud also we can store our files with free up to 10 GB.
There is not any integration while using pCloud environment. Google drive uses integration in Google and Gmail.
The special feature while using pCloud is we can use an embedded audio player and portfolio page. The special feature of using Google drive is the presence of real-time for MS office files.
We can see 100% data privacy using pCloud. But as compare to pCloud we cannot consider the 100% data privacy using Google drive.
While using pCloud web application we can see more features on desktop applications. Google Drive web interface is the same as the application.
At the time of using pCloud, we can sync our files and data with Linux, while using Google drive we cannot sync our data and files with Linux operating system.
Google Drive will create the sync folder at the time of installing Google drive first time on our system. We can also say that pCloud will also create a sync folder at the time of installing pCloud first time on our system.
Using pCloud we can share our files using password-protected to the other user. Using Google drive we cannot use the feature of the password-protected files because this feature is not available in Google drive.
At the time of using pCloud, it will offer the user better pricing and the best drive feature. But Google Drive has the best tools suite for combining other applications like Gmail and Google.
We can automatically backup our data and files by using pCloud and Google drive. The backup of pCloud is faster as compare to Google drive.
Google drive is more user friendly to use for storing the data and files as compare to pCloud. Because Google drive is easily accessible online. We can easily access our data using Google drive.

pCloud vs Google Drive Comparison Table

Let’s discuss the top comparison between pCloud vs Google Drive:

Sr. No
Google Drive

pCloud is used to store the data and files of the user in the private virtual cloud.
Google Drive is used to store the data and files in the online storage system, which was owned by the Google organization.

pCloud is recommended by most people as compared to Google drive.
Google drive is recommended by less people as compare to pCloud.

The global rank of pCloud in cloud platform technology is 4.
The global rank of Google drive in cloud platform technology is 5.

We can run or use pCloud in Windows, Linux, Android and in the iOS environments.
We can run or use Google drive in Windows and in the iOS environment.

We can run or use pCloud in the Linux platform or environment.
We cannot run or use Google drive in the Linux platform or environment.

We can create a virtual drive by using pCloud.
We cannot create a virtual drive by using Google drive.

We can take automatic photos backup by using pCloud.
We can take automatic photos backup by using Google drive.

Military grade and security encryption are available in pCloud platforms.
Military grade and security encryption are not available in Google drive platforms.

Music streaming is available on pCloud platforms.
Music streaming is available on Google drive platforms.

We cannot collaborate the document using pCloud environment.
We can collaborate the document using Google cloud environment.

We can sync our data and files from client to windows using pCloud.
We can sync our data and files from client to windows using Google drive.

We can sync our data and files from the client to MAC using pCloud.
We can sync our data and files from the client to MAC using Google drive.

We can sync our data and files from client to Linux using pCloud.
We cannot sync our data and files from the client to Linux using Google drive.

We can provide the direct link of file sharing to the user using pCloud environment.
We can provide the direct link of file sharing to the user using Google drive environment.

We can share password protected files to one user to another user by using pCloud environment.
We cannot share password protected files to one user to another user by using Google cloud environment.

We can implement two factor authentication by using pCloud platforms.
We also implement two factor authentication by using Google cloud platforms.

Using pCloud there is an expiration date available for the file. We can delete our file at a specified time or date.
Using Google drive there is not any expiration date available for the file. We cannot delete our file at a specified time or date.

While using pCloud we have end to end encryption available for our data.
Using Google drive there is a partial end to end encryption is available for our data.

There is data breach while using pCloud technique or platforms.
There is no data breach while using the Google drive technique or platforms.

We can share our files through iOS platforms using the pCloud environment.
We can share our files through iOS platforms using the Google drive environment.


Google drive and pCloud are both the cloud services which was used to store the user data and files. Google cloud and pCloud is very important and useful to store the user files. Using Google cloud and pCloud we can implement the two factor authentication for security reasons.

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