Escobedo Soliz updates compact apartment in Mexico City’s modernist CUPA tower

Mexican studio Escobedo Soliz has renovated a family’s residence inside a 1940s housing complex that was modelled on Le Corbusier‘s Radiant City masterplan. The project entailed the renovation of an apartment in the Centro Urbano Presidente Alemán, or CUPA, a notable housing project in Mexico City‘s Del Valle neighbourhood. The renovated apartment is inside a …

Drug Cartel Kidnapped Three Boys Using Violent Video Game

@ El_Universal_Mx/ Twitter/Alamy. Three young boys were apparently groomed online and tempted far from their households after being called by drug cartel employers. Three kids aged in between 11 and 14 apparently took a trip to a home run by the Northeast Cartel, based in Tamaulipas, Mexico, after being lured by the group. They had …