I Drove More Than 1,000 Miles to Help a Texan Get an Abortion

Last month, Texas legislators passed Senate Bill 8, banning abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy. For the Austin-based Bridge Collective, which provides transportation and accommodations to people in central Texas seeking abortions, that forced a radical shift in operations. Many members began coordinating out-of-state trips for their clients. Some traveled to neighboring New Mexico and …

A former CIA officer opens up about his Havana Syndrome: 3 years of headaches, early retirement, and a fight for care

Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA officer, thinks he was assaulted in Moscow in 2017. Marc Polumeropoulous; Sergey Alimov/Getty Images; Gary Hershorn/Getty Images; Samantha Lee/Insider .Victims of the strange Havana Syndrome have brain injuries without ever striking their heads. More than 130 United States workers have actually reported signs following occurrences in Cuba, China, Russia, and …